Worship Songs
FEBRUARY 9, 2025
Praise our God, for he is good; His love endures forever!
Let the saints of Jesus sing: “His love endures forever!”
Let the shepherds now confess: “His love endures forever!”
All who fear the Lord declare: “His love endures forever!”
With death on every side,
They pressed him hard yet he cut them down;
The Lord, in all of his strength, with his right hand
He came to save us from the grave,
Came to save from the grave,
Came to save us from the grave. Chorus
The stone thrown away
Now has become the cornerstone;
The Lord, in all of his strength, with his right hand
Became our song and our shield,
Became our song and our shield,
Became our song and our shield. Chorus
Though dead, he would not die;
Though in hell, he rose from the grave;
The Lord, in all of his strength, with his right hand
He’s opened the gates and brought us in,
He’s opened the gates and brought us in,
He’s opened the gates and brought us in. Chorus
Words/Music: Wen Reagan (based on Ps 118); © 2013 Wen Reagan; CCLI License #11029770
With my mouth,
I will tell of Your faithfulness,
I’ll declare, Lord, Your covenant
with my life.
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
I will sing of the Lord’s great love!
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever!
I will sing—oh, I will sing!
Lord You are
the glory of all our strength;
Your presence along the way
for all our days.
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
I will sing of the Lord’s great love!
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever!
I will sing—oh, I will sing!
Of His great love I will sing!
Oh Lord God Almighty, who is like You?
Oh Lord God Almighty—none beside You!
Oh Lord God Almighty,
All the earth and sky belong to You!
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
I will sing of the Lord’s great love!
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever!
I will sing—oh, I will sing!
Of His great love I will sing!
Of His great love I will sing!
Words/Music: Leslie Jordan, Sandra McCracken; © Integrity Worship Music; Integrity’s Praise! Music; Little Way Creative; Paper News Publishing; CCLI License #11029770
The love of Christ is rich and free,
Fixed on his own eternally;
Nor earth, nor hell, can it remove;
Long as he lives, his own he’ll love.
His loving heart engaged to be
Their everlasting Surety;
‘Twas love that took their cause in hand,
And love maintains it to the end.
Love cannot from its post withdraw;
Nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law,
Can turn the Surety’s heart away;
He’ll love his own to endless day.
Love has redeemed his sheep with blood,
And love will bring them safe to God;
Love calls them all from death to life,
And love will finish all their strife.
Love cannot from its post withdraw;
Nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law,
Can turn the Surety’s heart away;
He’ll love his own to endless day.
He loves through every changing scene,
Nor aught from him can Zion wean;
Not all the wanderings of her heart
Can make his love for her depart.
At death, beyond the grave, he’ll love;
In endless bliss, his own shall prove
The blazing glory of that love
Which never could from them remove.
The blazing glory of that love
Which never could from them remove.
Words: William Gadsby, 19th c.; Music: Sandra McCracken; © 2001 Same Old Dress Music; CCLI License #11029770
Jesus said that if I thirst,
I should come to him.
No one else can satisfy.
I should come to him.
Jesus said if I am weak,
I should come to him.
No one else can be my strength.
I should come to him
For the Lord is good and faithful;
He will keep us day and night!
We can always run to Jesus;
Jesus, strong and kind!
Jesus said that if I fear,
I should come to him.
No one else can be my shield.
I should come to him. Chorus
Jesus said if I am lost,
He will come to me!
And he showed me on that cross
He will come to me! Chorus 2X
Words/Music: Rich Thompson, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Colin Buchanan; © 2019 CityAlight Music, Wanaaring Road Music, and Remaining portion is unaffiliated; CCLI License #11029770
Lost are saved, find their way,
at the sound of your great name;
All condemned feel no shame,
at the sound of your great name.
Every fear has no place,
at the sound of your great name;
The enemy, he has to leave,
At the sound of your great name.
Jesus, worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us;
Son of God and Man, you are high and lifted up,
And all the world will praise your great name!
Your great name!
All the weak find their strength,
at the sound of your great name;
Hungry souls receive grace,
at the sound of your great name.
The fatherless, they find their rest,
at the sound of your great name;
The sick are healed, the dead are raised,
At the sound of your great name. Chorus
Redeemer, my Healer, Lord Almighty!
My Savior, Defender, you are my King!
Jesus, worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us;
Son of God and Man, you are high and lifted up,
And all the world will praise! Chorus
Words/Music: Krissy Nordhoff & Michael Neale; © 2008 TwoNords Music; CCLI License #11029770
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